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Broad Application Prospect of Azaleas

Rhododendron/Azalea is a world-recognized precious ornamental flower, known as the ‘flower of the world and one of the ‘top ten famous flowers in China. There is also a word in society: there is no metaphor for an attractive garden without Azaleas.

With the vigorous development of the domestic and foreign flower industry, what are the future prospects and the application value of Azaleas? Through the analysis and research of many objective situations, the answer is positive: the future of Azalea is bright, with a huge market and long-term potential development space. This is due to the great advantages of Rhododendrons /Azaleas, the increase of new varieties, the urgent need for landscaping, the continuous expansion of application scope, and the growth of market scale.

The great advantage of Rhododendrons/Azaleas

1. Abundant resources

Rhododendrons are distributed at different altitudes, latitudes, and climates. China is the country with the most abundant wild Rhododendron resources in the world: There are more than 900 main original species of Rhododendron in the world, and nearly 600 species are distributed in China, accounting for almost two-thirds of the world's species. Among them, there are more than 400 species of Rhododendron unique to China, accounting for nearly half of the world's species.

2. Ideal potted flower material

Azaleas have a long flowering period, beautiful shapes, and bright colors, while they are resistant to storage, transportation, and pruning. At the same time, Azaleas have various growing types, including upright, expanding, and semi-expanding. All the above are enough to show that Azalea is a very ideal potted flower material, and it will definitely become a hot commodity in the international and domestic flower market.

3. Wide adaptability

Rhododendrons are distributed in Asia, Europe, and North America, with the most in Asia. While China is not only an essential birthplace of the original Rhododendron species but also the distribution center of Rhododendrons in the world, which also broadens the space for the development of the Rhododendron/Azalea industry to a certain extent. Seizing the opportunity and promoting the industrialization of Azaleas cultivation will produce significant economic and ecological benefits, at the same time, it will also enrich the domestic flower market, and lay a good foundation for Azaleas to enter the world market.

4. The "flower appearance" of Azaleas is amazing

Azaleas are very beautiful and brilliant when they are in full bloom. Bai Juyi, a famous Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty, compared Azaleas to the beauty Xi Shi (Xishi is one of the most beautiful women in China's history).

In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards and the pursuit of a beautiful living environment, Azaleas have become one of the most popular flowers for family cultivation. Especially in the cold winter, it brings people the feeling of spring, and it has become the best-selling potted flower in the New Year's Eve flower market.

The continuous expansion of the application scope

With the increasing number of horticultural varieties of Azaleas, their application value is also increasing. In addition to the application of potted flowers, Azalea is also used in urban and rural landscaping projects as ground cover plants and color blocks. In general, the Azalea industry has entered a period of great development.

Meeting the growing market need.

China is the distribution center of the original species of Rhododendron, with a history of cultivation history, a prosperous market, and rapid development speed. However, the original species development, new variety breeding, and production of new and excellent varieties of Azaleas in China are far from meeting the needs of the market, especially the needs for garden application, environmental beautification, social and cultural activities and so on.

Flowers like Azaleas, which are easy to survive, easy to manage, cost-effective, and beautiful, have high application value. To meet the great growing market needs (especially for landscaping, gardening, and housing plant). our company spent nearly 30 years developing new azalea varieties with characteristics like strong tolerance, cold and hot resistance, and ease of cultivation. These years, we keep conducting innovative Azalea hybrid tests regarding fragrance, multiple shapes, and colorful leaves, and have already got some significant achievements so far.

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